"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans..." (James 1: 27 NIV)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Andy & Wayne From Lifesong Visit Thunder Bay

We were excited to hear that Andy and Wayne from the Lifesong for Orphans head office in Illinois were coming to Thunder Bay for a weekend to meet with the 2010 and 2011 Zambia Workteams, and give a presentation at a chile supper following the Nu-Vision Annual General Meeting on Friday, April 15.

The previous evening, Thursday, April 14, Eleanor and Ray hosted Andy and Wayne at a potluck supper and invited the Zambia 2010 and 2011 Workteams to meet them and hear more about what's been happening recently at the Lifesong School for Orphans in Kitwe, Zambia. After dinner and a time of fellowship, Andy and Wayne gave a very informative presentation on all of the recent news from the school, with video and photos.

Andy (standing) and Wayne (seated, third from right) talk to teams about the work at Lifesong for Orphans in Zambia

They they told of how the school's garden plots were thriving, producing enough food not only for the two meals a day for all the 200+ children at the school, but also how the gardens provide employment for local people, and the produce is sold at a local market. The new extension housing four classrooms, including the computer lab, is constructed, and awaiting final touches such as painting, a possible project for our team's visit in July.

The team was so encouraged to hear of all the good news from the school, and excited to go in July to see for themselves, and know that they will be part of the good work being done there. You can read more about the story of Lifesong for Orphans on their web page.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spaghetti Supper Success & A New Team Member

The Zambia Workteam 2011 held a well-attended Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser at the Rosslyn Village Community Centre on Sunday, March 27, 2011. It was a great success! Thanks to the assistance of the faithful volunteers of St. Mark's Anglican Church, the team was able to raise a further $1,350 for our projects at Lifesong School!

Showing Daphne how to prepare the spaghetti sauce.

Showing Tim, Jean and Moira how to prepare the salad.

Nancy greeting guests.

Tim and Doug serving spaghetti, salad and buns.
Ted looking after the Caring Hands jewelry table.
Moira and Daphne clearing tables.
Beverley serving the take-away meals.

In addition, we are happy to announce that we have a new team member. Dave, a retired City of Thunder Bay employee, decided to become our tenth team member. Welcome aboard, Dave!