"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans..." (James 1: 27 NIV)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, another beautiful day in Zambia!

Greetings Friends,

We have returned from joyful and uplifting worship with our American Lifesong friends at The United Church of Zambia.  The church was cool today, a little cooler than usual and I was glad for Eleanor's tip to bring a shawl. The service was in Bemba, however, our complete Lifesong team was invited to come forward and sing!  of course, our songs were in English, and there were people who helped us to understand what was being said.  But not knowing the words didn't really matter, our hearts were lifted by the Spirit and love that was present. . Lifesong leaders and many of the children and teachers from Lifesong, attend this church and it was good to be with them today.  Next Sunday, our plan is to go to an Anglican service in Kitwe.

During the week, some of us have been attending mass with the Franciscans, in their chapel at the Friary. Mass is early, before breakfast. Father Andrew and I have had some conversation, and he welcomes everyone. I am privileged to be the first female priest he has ever met. Hope I don't leave a bad impression for any who may follow!   Our morning devotions have been based on the daily gospel, and hearing the reflection of the priest has been a beautifully timed message for our team. It is not difficult to feel God's presence all day long, because many speak of God often, adult and child.  I had a powerful meeting with four adolescent boys under a tree the other day, and they speak humbly and deeply about God's presence in their lives.  I am still rejoicing!

Our progress in four workdays at Lifesong is amazing.  What teamwork!  In the mornings we begin with marching orders from Wayne (Lifesong "Advocate for Orphans" from Illinois) The the work begins; painting of window bars and frames, priming of walls, exterior and interior, painting of trusses, ongoing completion of computer room, and preparation for the coming week of activities with teachers and children, and extracurricular visits for interested team members to medical facilities and a Rotary meeting. By the afternoon, we had many of the older boys from Lifesong helping us paint.  The chatter and community has been delightful with them. There are little girls who live on the school property who have visited us too, and they are delightful, they love to sing.  We have many many photos of progress both of the completion of the classroom  and of the development of relationships between Zambians and Canadians.  Our stories will live on long after the visit is completed. 

Blessings, Nancy+

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the updates and the pictures! I can imagine what you are experiencing... Please keep the updates coming!
